At least you could divert and correct the toddler Sheep, but not so for Snacks! Snacks is focused, determined and not to be denied when it comes to
Which got me thinking, was I really do this for them?? If so, then why so much frustration (already?!)and so little celebration of the season ahead? Am I too busy preparing my house for Christmas instead of preparing my heart for Christ?? And if so, what am I teaching those little souls I have been to raise by my actions??
The answer came to me, as it so often does, in the voice of my daughter. Yesterday, as we were frantically driving to our next destination (I am chronically late, so we are always frantically going somewhere unfortunately), she was asking me about the ornaments on the tree. I had explained to her that the blown glass ornaments were 'collectibles' and were very special to mommy. That's why I had put a few of them high up on the tree and most of them back in the ornament box this year. She thought for a minute and then responded by saying that she didn't think she collected anything. I reminded her that she did have 'collectibles' because I had been collecting Russian nesting dolls for her since her first Christmas. To which she innocently replied, "No mom, you collect those. The only thing I collect is friends."
Her Christ-like spirit blows me away!!. I am so proud (and humbled) by the person she is becoming. And soooo grateful for the GIFT God has given me in both Sheep and Snacks - even if he is a tiny tornado! So I'm tucking that little reminder somewhere close to my heart, and will make more of an effort to keep Jesus, family and friends at the top of my "To Do List" this season, and always.
What will you do to keep the Christ in Christmas this year?
WOW!! Love it!!