Well Hello!!
I am so excited to be participating in Blogapaloosa and to have this great opportunity to introduce everyone to my new friend Rhonda McCleskey - proprietor of the brand new home furnishing and refinishing store in Alvin, Texas that opens THIS SATURDAY!!
Rhonda and THE Annie Sloan in New Orleans - jealous?!! |
I met Rhonda when I visited her store last month, while the shop was still a 'work in progress.' I was on a quest for the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint everyone has been raving about here in blogland and was excited to find
my own personal local distributor was just minutes away from home! The store was already shaping up into something fabulous, so I cannot wait to see how it's all come together. When she generously offered to provide the giveaways for Blogapaloosa, I wanted to do something special for her too, so we sat down to talk more about her vision and inspirations.
Tell us a little bit about where
you're from and how that has influenced your style?
I was born and raised in Wisconsin
but I now call Texas my home. I was a
military wife for many years and have lived all over the U.S., but settled in
Austin for most of my adult life. We moved
to the Houston area in 2006 and are so happy to call the Texas Gulf Coast home. Over the years, I’ve had an extraordinary opportunity
to be exposed to many different cultures and designs across the country, and
there was something that I fell in love with in every place I lived. Therefore my style is very eclectic and I believe
that as long as you decorate with what you love, you can make it work!
What/who has influenced your
approach to design over the years?
My style is best represented in the
Velvet & Linen blog - adore that blog and love what they call ‘patina’
style. Aged, worn but timeless. Beautiful.
Who is your biggest fan (supporter)?
My husband. He is my rock and my
encourager always!
The grand opening of your biggest
'project' to date happens this weekend! What is your vision for Restored~Home?
I would love to grow and have
several locations, someday beyond the Houston-area. I dream of Restored~Home becoming a
destination for unique, one-of-a-kind furniture pieces and accessories. I’m very excited about the future I see for
this business because everything has come together so beautifully. So I hope everyone will come out and see for
What do you hope to bring to the
local community? To the blogging community?
Our store is located in Alvin, one
of the cutest, friendliest towns in Texas!
I look forward to being a part of this community and supporting local
business growth in Alvin as well. I’m
looking forward to participating in community events and perhaps even starting
some new traditions! I grew up in a
small town and thought when I left I’d never look back. But settling in Alvin
has reawakened my sense of ‘home,’ a small town where we can put down roots,
and I am so happy to have found it!
I am equally excited about the
blogging community. I hope to become a
go-to and an encourager for do-it-yourselfers.
I see blogging as a way to share my experiences and knowledge in a laid
back, fun and sometimes funny way!
If you could only have one tool,
what would it be and why?
A paintbrush . . . because they help
me create and express myself. In fact, I
have a little bit of a paintbrush obsession.
I currently own over 100 brushes! Some that I don’t use at all, and bought more
for their looks than their function. See
what I mean?! But my trusty favorite is
a Purdy XL Cub. Annie Sloan has just
come out with her own line of paintbrushes and I have just started using
them. Just like her paint line, I must
say her brushes are fabulous!
You've restored so many beautiful pieces and your store
decor is breathtaking, but could you share with us a project 'fail'?
Oh my – I’ve had many!
I have a table that I have painted several different times – different colors,
different finishes and nothing works! It
seems like no matter what I do to it, nothing looks right on it, so it’s probably
headed back to storage. Sometimes you
just can’t make friends with a piece, and it’s best to move on!
Everyone seems 'too busy' these days - what do you do to
help 'restore' balance in your life?
I love to read. I love to garden and spend time with my
family. They keep me focused on what’s
Any advice for others about what you do?
Ask lots of questions and allow yourself to learn from the
experience of others. Believe in
yourself and never give up! Don’t expect
perfection and remember that as long as you love what you’re doing, you’re a success!
Finally, what can we expect at the Grand opening of Restored~Home?
Goodness – drawings, ASCP demos, refreshments, sales and
lots of fun! It’s from 10-3 this
Saturday and you can get more information and directions at
Speaking of giveaways, here's what you can win!
3 samples of Annie Sloan Chalk paint and an ASCP color chart, 2 chip brushes and 1 bar of handmade "Painter's Friend' Soap!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Rhonda has such a generous spirit and I am excited to let you know that in addition to this giveaway, 'local' gals can also enter to win
An Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Techniques Class at Rhonda's new store in Alvin, TX - a $165 value!!