
Monday, April 23, 2012

Ready for Rhea Lana?!

Have you heard about Rhea Lana?

I hadn't until very recently, but it's basically a mom-to-mom swap meet that happens twice a year in cities across the country . . . and it's coming to 'our town' TOMORROW!!  I really don't need anything in particular for Sheep or Snacks right now, but I just love a sale!  And I am very curious to see if and how it differs from the Just Between Friends events I have been to in the past.  One difference I notice already is that it's being held in the swanky new event center in town (rather than the VFW hall) so perhaps the items will be swankier too.  Hopefully the prices are NOT - ha!  We shall see!

In addition to that familiar siren's call of a sale, and a chance to see inside the event center, I am also interested in going to decide whether or not to become a consignor in the Fall.  Like JBF, consignors get to shop in advance of the general public - and I hear that you can really find some good stuff then!!  I have at least one good friend who participates in JBF and has been very, very happy with it - and Snacks is in such a hurry to be big that he's shedding all things baby faster than I care to think about (sniff).

This is in no way a 'sponsored post,' but I would like to help out a fellow mom-trepeneur if I can!  We can all use a hand now and then, right?  So share the love if you feel it!  And since I am not getting paid to write this post, I will do the leg work for all of you local followers and update you tomorrow on what I find!  I plan on heading out in the morning so stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! We just had one of those in Fayetteville! ;)
